Friday, December 11, 2009

Shadow of the Colossus Level/Enemy Design - December 11, 2009

I'm not going to blog so much about the game itself as I am about how the levels, and basically the game, is designed. For background, you, Wander, live in a kingdom that has been abandoned and your love lies unconscious on a stone. Your best friend and steed, Argo, must ride off to kill the titans and free her from this spell. Your journey between her and each titan consists of no fighting, only riding to the destination. There are 16 in enemies in the game, all Colossi. The are all larger than you, some as massive as buildings, and intimidating as hell. Each colossus looks like an animal, real or fake, except for a couple which resemble buildings more than anything. The amazing part about it is the fact that these bosses become levels in themselves, as they are always moving and you must climb onto them and navigate your way to their weak spot. It was an amazingly new concept, and the design of enemies meant the design of a level. Not only was it one of the most fun games I've played, but it was one of the most beautiful. You would figure that if a designer had to go through that much trouble to integrate the 2 then it might be hard to find time to make it look good as well, but oh my how they pulled it off. It started to push design from other developers to attain the same type of epic feel that this brought with it, but nothing has reached the level of this.

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