Saturday, December 12, 2009

CS4 Design - December 12, 2009

Maybe it's just me, but I'm not a big fan of the CS4 series from Adobe. The redesign of the interface doesn't bother me in the slightest; I can adapt and learn how to use it. I actually like the fact that they'll let you revert to the Classic setup along with other setups depending on what you plan to do. The only part that really irks me is how unstable each and every program is now. I don't use PS or Illustrator as much as I used to, but it seems to run so much slower and crash far more often on the weakest changes. There's been times where all I'll do is import something, of course forgetting to save beforehand, and it will flat out crash. Flash is especially touchy now. I can't count how many times it's crashed while simply testing a new piece of code, and it's not even one of those infinite loop crashes that I used to get(those were my own fault). I'll be hovering my mouse over the error report to see what it is and windows will start flickering all over the place. Even though you can customize it, dragging windows are far more touchy and seem to lock on to anything and everything. I spend more time trying to find where my actions panel went than actually coding. It's frustrating because I loved CS3, but I need to keep with the class and CS4 files differ from CS3 files. I've never understood why developers will do this. They add some features at the cost of more important things. It could just be every computer I run it on, or maybe I'm just really good at breaking it; who knows. At least it's taught me to save more often.

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