Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Candy and its many forms...

Candy has always been in different shapes to appeal to people that eat them, but almost always are aimed at children. On they are selling gum shaped as different digital devices and call it “Digital Candy Gum”. They have cds, video games, handheld devices, computer mice, keyboards, and cameras. I’m sure they care about the taste, but the main point of it is to make money off of the kids who use these devices every day and think, “Oh wow, this is awesome!” I’ve worked at CVS for the past 2 years and I’ve seen my share of crazy candy. They had Wiimote pez dispensers last year and this Halloween we even got mini board games contained inside boxes of candy. In a couple months they’ll have those little nasty chalk hearts for all the lovebirds out there to buy. So we have candy made for whatever is popular, candy that “talks” to you, and candy with games. What’s next? How about something along the lines of the wonderball idea except it’s a magic 8 ball. I have yet to see one and really don’t think it would be smart to make, but man would it be cool. We’ll just wait and see what the oompa loompas come up with next.

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